This year has brought home to me in a very personal way how awesome God's grace really is. I want to share these lyrics first because they have spoken to my heart from the moment I heard this song, "Your Grace Finds Me" by Matt Redman
It's there in the newborn cry
It's there in the light of every sunrise
It's there in the shadows of this light
Your great grace
It's there on the mountaintop
It's there in the everyday and the mundane
There in the sorrow and the dancing
Your great grace
Oh, such grace
From the creation to the cross
Then from the cross into eternity
Your grace finds me
Yes, Your grace finds me
It's there on a wedding day
There in the weeping by the graveside
There in the very breath we breathe
Your great grace
Same for the rich and poor
Same for the saint and for the sinner
Enough for this whole wide world
Your great grace
Oh, such grace
There in the darkest night of the soul
There in the sweetest songs of victory
Your grace finds me
Yes, Your grace finds me
Most of our long time readers know our sister of the heart, Diann Hunt, has been waging a fierce battle with ovarian cancer. The doctors recently sent her home after telling her there was nothing more they could do for her. We are praying for God himself to heal her--and we know he will--either this side of heaven or the other. But looking at her life reminds me of this song. So I'm going to tell you Di's story.
Once upon a time, a little baby was born to an unwed mother. The little girl's father was married to someone else. Soon, the mother ran off and left that little girl with her grandparents. God looked down from heaven and saw that little soul shining so brightly in her. He said to himself, "i can use this little girl, Diann."
In his great grace, he allowed her to live with her grandparents and her uncle. They took her to church, and she learned that Jesus loved the little children, including her. She felt loved and cared for with God's grace surrounding her. But soon that home was disrupted when her father went to court to gain custody. And
won. Diann went to live with her father and stepmother. Neither of them cared anything about God, but He had already put his finger on her heart. In His great grace, He chose her for His own. So even surrounded by unbelievers, she took herself to church as soon as she could, riding the church bus alone.
God wrapped His grace around her and protected her as she grew. She stayed true to God in spite of a home life that didn't include God. At church she met a good Christian man who poured love into her, again by God's grace. She married him and began to build a new family where she taught her son and daughter about God's great grace. That home has always been filled with love and trust in the Savior. Over the years, she sang His songs and proclaimed His grace. She
lived His grace before everyone she knew. When her beloved grandchildren came along, she began to pour His love into them too.
Then one day He whispered in her ear that He wanted her to write for Him. Obedient as usual, she timidly began to try her hand at this new art form. Her first story about living in the Amish countryside got published, and she began to believe maybe she could do this thing. Her first novella came out, and her writing career began. Her stories were always full of God's grace, and women loved their honesty and humor.
As Diann wrote about God's grace, she lifted spirits and hopes. When faced with the news of her cancer diagnosis, she bent her neck to God's will and threw herself into His mercy and love. And we've watched these past four years as God has honed her and made her even more beautiful in spirit. Her smile and contagious laughter remind me daily of God's great grace. We KNOW this life is not all there is. Our goal here is to become more like Jesus, and Diann has allowed the fiery path she's traveled to burn off the dross and leave pure gold behind. She's tried to encourage others even in her very hard journey. We recently got the news her book
For Better or For Worse will be a Hallmark movie! Production starts in November. God's grace in abundance to share her heart with the world.
This is not a story to elevate Diann. God himself called her out, and it's HIS power I wanted to share. It's amazing how God moves and cares for us. His hand is there, often unseen, but always tender and loving. He loves us so much! I'm awed by His grace and love for us. I'm humbled when I watch what He has done in Di's life. What He's done in my life.
We know He may not heal her this side of heaven--but He just might. Whatever happens, His great grace and love have never failed her--or us. Whether she rests in His arms in heaven or travels this earth a few more years, her destiny is secure. And so is ours. Because of His GREAT grace.
Thank you for all the prayers you've offered. We still need them--desperately. But we rest in His great grace, and we are content there. We love you, friends!