Kristin Billerbeck is a proud Californian, wife, mother of four, and connoisseur of the irrelevant. She writes Christian Chick Lit; where she finds need for most of the useless facts lulling about in her head.

Colleen Coble writes romantic suspense with a strong atmospheric element. A lovable animal of some kind--usually a dog--always populates her novels. She can be bribed with DeBrand mocha truffles.

Denise Hunter writes women's fiction and love stories with a strong emotional element. Her husband says he provides her with all her romantic material, but Denise insists a good imagination helps too.

Diann Hunt writes romantic comedy and humorous women's fiction. She has been happily married forever, loves her family, chocolate, her friends, chocolate, her dog, and well, chocolate.

Cheryl Hodde writes romantic medical suspense under the pen name of Hannah Alexander, using all the input she can get from her husband, Mel, for the medical expertise. For fun she hikes and reads. Out of guilt, she rescues discarded cats. She and Mel are presently taking orders from four pampered strays.
Oh my gosh Di, that is SO true. My DH saves everything too!! Hey, his baby shoes MIGHT be a write-off. LOL We're procrastinators this year, but I'm sending them off today. WOOOHOOO!!!
This year, I am sort of all of the above. I did our taxes the first week of February, but when I found out that we owe almost $2,000 I, um, didn't file and still haven't so we could get the money together. The good news is that I think we finally have it scraped together so I think I will file this weekend. I think I am fairly organized when it comes to the forms but there's this one thing I can't seem to place. Anyway, I'll be glad when it's over.
LOL, Kristin!!
You're coming to the US, Bethanie? Way cool! Where are you coming to visit?
Anna, I don't blame you. I'm not in a hurry to PAY, either. *g*
hmmm. I'm the procrastinator. My hubby is not, although since he married me I notice he has been doing our taxes later and later.
Does that mean I'm a bad influence or I've just given him more work to do in the tax department?
I didn't set out to be a procastinator, although I did play to wait to file...because I thought we'd have to pay, also.
AND, we moved across the country last year, so we have 2 state returns to file in addition to federal! But, I still got our info to our tax man in CAin FEBRUARY, and he's the one who procrastinated!!
He just filed for us last week, and now I'm disappointed we didn't file sooner, b/c we're getting a HUGE refund...oh well, just goes to show ya...
I'm a CPA (before setting it aside to be a missionary to Africa) and worked for years doing taxes. First of all I know that to break even is the goal, not to get a big refund. Even with my experience and knowledge this year hubby and I are owed a big refund AND we mailed off our tax returns YESTERDAY. No wonder I don't do other people's taxes anymore... :)
Oh, I definitely procrastinate. Being self-employed is a pain when it comes to doing taxes!! I keep everything, it's just getting it all together and making sense before I take it to the accountant. But I got it to her in mid-March this year. Then she ended up having unexpected surgery, and didn't get them done until last week. I tried to be better this year, honest I did, but they still didn't get out til April! Oh well.
It's the coolest thing. We never used to get refunds worth talking about, but ever since we decided to put our daughter in a Christian school, our tax return has covered that bill, every year. The first year, when we were trying to decide whether we should switch her or not and couldn't figure out how we could afford it, we finally told God, if You want her there, You're going to have to get her there. And the very next day, we got the stuff back from the accountant, and --this is absolute truth-- our federal refund was EXACTLY enough to pay her tuition, and the state bought the uniforms she had to have. I'm talking a difference between a $200 refund and the thousands of dollars it takes to go to Christian school.
And it happened again this year, because tuition went up, and so did the refund. God is good!
I wonder what next year will bring. Her school only goes through seventh grade, and this is it... :-)
It's never fun when you have three jobs and your spouse has one...lot's of numbers. Thank God for Turbo Tax!
Ah, this was the beauty of being in youth ministry. Those IRS guys took one look at our tax form and said, "Wait, you make how much? With how many kids? Oh, we're so sorry for taking anything!" Needless to say, we always get a pretty nice check around this time...and it usually pays off the credit card. But we are those kinds of early birds that you can't stand. We got our refund in February!
My mother is a CPA, and she does my taxes every year, and I just let her rummmaged through all my things until she finds all the paperwork she needs. Right around Jan 3rd, she comes over, I let her in to have at it, and go to the mall. When I come back, I find out if yes, I'll be happy, or no, get a second job to pay Uncle Sam. This year, I blew my $130 refund at Wal-mart. Love ya Mama!
Just to clear up any confusion. I not only CAN stand people who get their taxes done early, I'm actually among them--usually, just not this year because we thought we would owe taxes.
Keisha-Michelle, you are one lucky daughter!!! Bless your mother! Would she consider adopting the rest of us? *g*
I never do taxes. Yeah! :) That's what husbands are for. He does them the day after he gets the forms from our employers. Then he e-files and this year our refunds were there the week after. Yeah again
Well, when I did our taxes using TurboTax, I had them done in February and the electronic check deposited in my account by March 1st.
This year? Well, we had a business investment that involves a whole lot more than I can do. So ... I think we're filing for an extension. Our tax person is in Chatatanooga and we're in Atlanta. Makes sense, right?
Sheesh, the waiting drives my right brain nuts. Or is it my left brain? I can never remember which side drives my creative self and which drives my anal self. But I can tell you they sure fight! ;o)
I'm the delegator. My husband does it! ;)
I have a few things I can do well, but numbers is so not one of them. I have a hard time making change much less understanding taxes!
We'll file....on April 15th, just like every sad....
Well, my tax behavior completely defies my personality! I used to be an accountant, so I do everything myself, even though I have self-employment income. However, a running issue in our home is that everything is in complete disarray. I shamelessly blame my hubby for it and it is the one thing we fight about. I'll save you the long story behind it, but the end result is that I had not filed a return since 2003! However, if I wanted my daughter to get any financial aid from Uncle Sam for college, I had to get on the stick, so I started with 2003 (got a huge refund), stalled out and ran smack dab into April. Panicked and jumped ahead to 2006, only to find we owe a HUGE amount. So...didn't file that just yet, knowing that 2004 and 2005 should provide significant refunds towards this year's amount due. Please Lord, help me remember to file an extension for 2006, although by now - is it a moot point?
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