Girls Write Out
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

So has anyone seen the documentary, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead?" It's about a man who decides to "juice" for six months. He lost something like 82 pounds in that time, but his message is not weight loss. His message is health and eating more fruits and veggies. I bought a juicer after hearing him, because I always feel sick after I eat, and so I don't eat that often. Weight wasn't an issue, but health and energy was.

I've been juicing for nearly two weeks now, and it does give me so much energy, I can be scary. I am feeling great though, and I do think it would be a great way for people really think about what they put in their bodies. I will say my tastebuds are changing already and sweets are too sweet. I'd rather have fruit & veggies.

I am not a health food nut. I will never go all in, but for me, I really am seeing a difference in health and my MS symptoms. Even if I do ONE juice a day, I'm eating more veggies in that shake than I used to in a whole day. I still can't get used to the color. It's disgusting. Green is not an appetizing color, am I right?

Have you ever made ONE health change that changed your life for the better? Share it with us!
posted at 7:56 PM  
  Comments (17)
Delicious Delicious
At 9:55 PM, Blogger Sabrina L. Fox said...

I've been meaning to ask, Kristin, are the kids drinking any?

At 10:41 PM, Blogger Hannah Alexander said...

Way to go, Kris! We started juicing years ago and I loved it. I'd juice every day if I didn't have to do it myself. I no longer enjoy spending a lot of time in the kitchen, and my juicer is somewhere in the basement. If we had a place around here that did straight juicing without sugar or additives in their drinks, I'd be there every time I left the house.

At 2:09 AM, Blogger Kristin said...

Sabrina, they won't touch it. I do put veggie juice in the spaghetti sauce though. : )

Cheryl, the juicer is a pain to clean, but I try to get the mornings veggies/fruit ready before bed, so I just take it out in the morning and make it. Then, I clean it when I get home from work.

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Lisa Jordan said...

I'm not a juicer but I love yogurt smoothies for breakfast and evening summer time treats. Using Greek yogurt adds so much more protein too.

I'm a proponent for water and a healthy breakfast. Now if I could get my men to agree.

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Kameko said...

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At 11:20 AM, Blogger Kameko said...

So juicing is a whole new world to me ~ sounds like an involved process. I take it there is a lot more than just throwing some diced fruit/veggies into the blender and giving it a whirl?

Are you using this as a meal replacement, in addition to meal? Can you suggest some reliable informational sites I can read up on juicing? I'm very much interested in something that healthy that will give me energy, lessen the sugar/additives in maybe even allow me to drop a few pounds along the way.


At 11:21 AM, Blogger Colleen Coble said...

I had to read this twice to believe my eyes! KRISTIN is juicing? Not Di? LOL

Your kids might like "lemonade" made in the juicer. It's mostly apple juice for sweetness then a little lemon. It is scrumptious. I think it's 3 apples and 1 lemon.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Southern-fried Fiction said...

I have a juicer, but it's so much mess and the clean up takes so long, I haven't pursued using it. And what recipes do you use? Are they actually good? I love fruits and veggies and eat a lot of them, but I liked the idea of the juicer. Just not the mess of it.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Southern-fried Fiction said...

I have another question, Kristin. What about the fiber? If it's just the juice, you toss all that good fiber. WHy not a blender? Or a food processor? They're so much easier to clean, too.

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Dorothy said...

I love JUICING! I just wish it wasn't such a chore to clean up afterwards. I do save the stuff to use in soups and stews. Sometimes, it is just easier to buy some of the bottled smoothies that have all the "veggies" in them.

At 9:08 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

Oh I'm so glad to hear from other juicers! YAY. I haven't found many great sites with recipes, but I did get one from my best friend in 7th grade. LOL

C, I love the Lemons with apples, that is really good, and it covers up the taste of the greens, which I totally need. That is a strong flavor when you hate veggies. LOL

Lisa, I don't know about men, but I have never eaten breakfast regularly. Not as a child. Not now.

Beverly, it is involved, but I figure if i can get my veggies in one fell swoop, it's better than trying to cook them five times a day. The benefit to juicing over blending is that you get the straight phytochemicals you need without the fiber. A blender just keeps you from chewing.

It's only been two weeks C, we'll see how I do before I go back to my steady diet of espresso and soy milk. LOL

At 5:36 AM, Blogger jel said...

what kind of juicer do ya have?

At 5:39 AM, Blogger jel said...

we drunk Soy for a time, But afer a while, we got to caving whole Milk.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger SheilaG @ Plum Doodles said...

I've wondered about juicing, but seeing all the comments about the difficult clean-up makes me think not! I started on a gluten-free diet after over a year of daily migraines. A new friend who is allergic to gluten suggested avoiding gluten, and it has worked wonders for me. In addition to the migraines being gone, I've lost weight without trying, and my fibromyalgia is much better.

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

Gluten is murder on any inflammatory disease. I say, go gluten free. It's not hard for me in terms of breads and stuff, but it is hard for me in what they add to restaurant food, like soups, etc.

I have a Breville Juicer, about $99 -- it doesn't extract the most juice, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money until I knew if I'd use it. I think it's fine for me. It works well, and cleanup is pretty easy.

At 9:39 PM, Blogger jel said...

think of the green as that of a green apple. :)

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Diann Hunt said...

Kristin, you'll have to share some good juicing recipes. I like to do it, but I haven't found too many that i'm crazy about just yet. Still, it's something I need to do right now.


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Kristin Billerbeck
Kristin Billerbeck is a proud Californian, wife, mother of four, and connoisseur of the irrelevant. She writes Christian Chick Lit; where she finds need for most of the useless facts lulling about in her head.

Colleen Coble

Colleen Coble writes romantic suspense with a strong atmospheric element. A lovable animal of some kind--usually a dog--always populates her novels. She can be bribed with DeBrand mocha truffles.

Denise Hunter

Denise Hunter writes women's fiction and love stories with a strong emotional element. Her husband says he provides her with all her romantic material, but Denise insists a good imagination helps too.

Diann Hunt

Diann Hunt writes romantic comedy and humorous women's fiction. She has been happily married forever, loves her family, chocolate, her friends, chocolate, her dog, and well, chocolate.

Hannah Alexander

Cheryl Hodde writes romantic medical suspense under the pen name of Hannah Alexander, using all the input she can get from her husband, Mel, for the medical expertise. For fun she hikes and reads. Out of guilt, she rescues discarded cats. She and Mel are presently taking orders from four pampered strays.

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