Girls Write Out
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
I think all writers/readers have in them, an innate passion for books that first touched their heart, books that made them feel they were bigger and better for having known the characters.

As I'm editing the third Smitten book, I realize how much fun it is to find that inner passion for my first literary obsession:  Jane Austen.  I just got a new iPhone cover that is my favorite line in all of literature.  Mr. Darcy's first proposal (which Elizabeth refuses) in Pride & Prejudice.

In vain I have struggled, it will not do!

 I have read these books so many times.  (Except for Emma, which bores the heck out of me.  She is far too stupid for an Austen heroine -- or at least my view of an Austen heroine.) 

When I found Austen as an author as a freshman in high school, I devoured all of her books.  Sharing P&P with my son in high school was one of the highlights of my life.  He got an "A" -- an 18-year old boy -- got an "A" on everything P&P.  To make another understand that passion feels like a win to me. Which books make you passionate?

posted at 2:51 PM  
  Comments (4)
Delicious Delicious
At 10:34 PM, Blogger freddikb said...

There are a few that I can think of. One being the Little House on the Prairie series. I read those when I was younger and just starting to write stories myself. I felt a connection with Laura Ingalls Wilder, a young girl herself who wanted to put her thoughts on paper. They inspired me to keep working toward my dream. Christy, by Catherine Marshall, was another book I have read numerous times. It is not only a wonderful story, but it also reminds me that putting others ahead of myself, even when things are tough, brings such great blessings.

At 8:53 AM, Blogger ohiohomeschool said...

I love Jane Austen as well. I continue to enjoy reading it, and am always inspired by the characters.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Ronya said...

I learn from fiction regularly, but as I was thinking about your question I realized that books by Francine Rivers have had the biggest, noticeably life altering impact. In Hadassah, from a Voice in the Wind, I saw how to truly be a servant of God. The story of Redeeming Love showed how exceptional and unconditional God's love for us is. And in The Warrior: Caleb, God actually sent my life in a completely different direction with the question: "What has God called you to do that you aren't doing?" These are just a few examples. My life is better, richer and closer to Christ because of the fiction written by these amazing servants of Christ.

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Cecelia Dowdy said...

I couldn't stand the book, Emma, either. I had to read it for a book report for British Literature. It was so boring that I couldn't finish it. So, in order to do my book report, I read the summary of Emma in the encyclopedia, just so that I could find out how the story ended.

Anyway, like freddikb, I, too, enjoyed the Little House On The Prairie series. I read those books over and over again. I also loved the story of Heidi, as well as The Secret Garden.
~Cecelia Dowdy~


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Kristin Billerbeck
Kristin Billerbeck is a proud Californian, wife, mother of four, and connoisseur of the irrelevant. She writes Christian Chick Lit; where she finds need for most of the useless facts lulling about in her head.

Colleen Coble

Colleen Coble writes romantic suspense with a strong atmospheric element. A lovable animal of some kind--usually a dog--always populates her novels. She can be bribed with DeBrand mocha truffles.

Denise Hunter

Denise Hunter writes women's fiction and love stories with a strong emotional element. Her husband says he provides her with all her romantic material, but Denise insists a good imagination helps too.

Diann Hunt

Diann Hunt writes romantic comedy and humorous women's fiction. She has been happily married forever, loves her family, chocolate, her friends, chocolate, her dog, and well, chocolate.

Hannah Alexander

Cheryl Hodde writes romantic medical suspense under the pen name of Hannah Alexander, using all the input she can get from her husband, Mel, for the medical expertise. For fun she hikes and reads. Out of guilt, she rescues discarded cats. She and Mel are presently taking orders from four pampered strays.

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