Kristin Billerbeck is a proud Californian, wife, mother of four, and connoisseur of the irrelevant. She writes Christian Chick Lit; where she finds need for most of the useless facts lulling about in her head.

Colleen Coble writes romantic suspense with a strong atmospheric element. A lovable animal of some kind--usually a dog--always populates her novels. She can be bribed with DeBrand mocha truffles.

Denise Hunter writes women's fiction and love stories with a strong emotional element. Her husband says he provides her with all her romantic material, but Denise insists a good imagination helps too.

Diann Hunt writes romantic comedy and humorous women's fiction. She has been happily married forever, loves her family, chocolate, her friends, chocolate, her dog, and well, chocolate.

Cheryl Hodde writes romantic medical suspense under the pen name of Hannah Alexander, using all the input she can get from her husband, Mel, for the medical expertise. For fun she hikes and reads. Out of guilt, she rescues discarded cats. She and Mel are presently taking orders from four pampered strays.
Diann, I was just thinking of you today and wondering what might be going on since we hadn't heard from you in awhile. So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Really sorry. I'm glad your sense of humor is still intact, though!
You are in my prayers...seriously. I'm sure I speak for many. Please keep us updated, okay? Now pass a piece of that cake over here...
Prayers are going up for you, Diann. I'm stunned to hear your diagnosis. Didn't know the extent of your ordeal. Only what you've posted. Please keep us informed. Love ya!
We have to keep you prayed up girl, and in SPA bathrobes and towels. I totally wasn't expecting the towel comment, I just laughed right out loud. Only you can have a day like today and do that. You are such a blessing to us all. : ) Kristin
Same here, Prayers to you!
Ouch. That news was no fun. Am praying for you.
P.S. My friend brought BE SWEET from America and I got it yesterday! Started reading it last night. Can't wait until tonight to read some more!
I say we take chocolate cake with us on any doctor visit from now on. Maybe I'll buy a whole cake!
I'll have a piece of chocolate cake and say prayers for you while I consume it! Keep us posted for prayer purposes. Maybe you'll get an influx of well wishers bestowing fluffy towels on you! :)
Thanks so much for the encouragement!
Oh, here's a fun tidbit. When the doc gave me the biopsy on Monday, I took a look at the long needle beforehand (it was HUGE). He says, "I'm surprised you'd look at it. Most people don't want to see it." I said, "I wanted to know how big it was so I could tell my friends it was three times that size." ;-)
Love you all and appreciate your prayers so very much!!
Di, you're amazing. We're privileged to have you as a friend and will continue to lift you in prayer as you go through this. Here's to fluffy towels and chocolate cake!
Di--We are with you, lady. Prayers and towels and cake, all the way. Honestly, I would not have thought of the towels. I went through a frugal stage where I hung clothes to dry, and let me tell you how QUICKLY those stiff scratchy bathtowels got rejected!! We will NOT let this happen to you, dear friend!
Di--Here's my advice: Don't try to learn too much during this ordeal! It will strain your brain and you need that thing for the long term. Every experience is a learning experience, both the seemingly insignificant event and the seemingly huge, so no sense in forcing yourself to get more out of this than the towels and chocolate. Sometimes, I try to "learn the lesson" of some situation in my life, and the lesson turns out to be approximately like algebra--I never use it again!!! You know I'm kidding--kind of.
Nothing like chocolate-chocolate cake...yum!! (you do know that cacao has healing properties?...) Anyway, you're in my prayers as you journey. God is bigger than anything/everything! :) ~ Hugs
I'm praying. He is Jehova Rapha, the Healer. You've enouraged me this morning with your words.
We all thank God for you and for your precious sense of humor. Know that you're surrounded with prayer--and the occasional piece of chocolate cake.
A prisoner of hope,
Praying for you! Praying God's peace surrounds you and He gives you wisdom during this season. Glad you have your sense of humor. A merry heart does good like medicine.
Chocolate cake at every doctor's visit. That is great!
Many prayers.
Diann, I've been praying and will continue to. Darn, I'd hoped you'd have a different diagnosis! But we serve a God who can do anything, so I pray that He will surround you, heal you, and protect you in this journey. And if you're in Dallas, I have a feeling you'll have tons of chocolate cake!
I'm sitting in a coffee shop reading all your kind words and trying not to cry.
Thank you so much for your encouragement and support!!
Okay, we've cried ... well since you're being honest, I guess I have to. I bawled. Then I got mad. Now I'm ready to fight for ya, girlfriend. And praise God, it's a form we CAN fight. I know Colleen has on her boxing gloves, and man, if I was a B cell, I'd be afraid. I've seen her gloves!!!
Praying for you friend!!! Next to prayer, I think eating chocolate is the best medicine, oh, and laughter, which you do beautifully!
Diann, many prayers sent your way. This will be an interesting journey for you, one I hope you can write about one day.
Di- My prayers are with you as you go through this. I know what it's like and it's no fun. My dad was diagnosed with Leukemia last week so all of the emotional stages are there. Just know that you're not alone and that not only is God right there with you, but all of us are too. We love you!! May the Lord heal you and protect you. May His ever-present love and peace be with you always. Amen
Diann, praying for you. I'm glad you're keeping things in perspective. Fluffy towels are great and so is chocolate molten cake. Chili's has a decent one with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce. Or if you want to go gourmet Morton's steak house has one of the best I've ever tasted. Nothing like a great filet followed with the chocolate molten cake. Wishing that for you, along with pounds of DeBrands. :)
Chocolate cake, DeBrands and a long soak in a hot tub with a fluffy towel waiting! Sounds like a good plan. Praying, praying for you sweet lady.
Praying for you!
Well, now at least you'll know what God is healing you from and you'll come out of it with a great story!
That's all we really care about, right? The chocolate and the story :)
Praying for you Diann!
Annie, I'm so sorry to hear the news of your dad's diagnosis. I'll be praying for your family as well!
You all have touched my heart deeply with your comments. Thank you so much for making the journey easier.
It's unanimous. This stuff goes in a book. *g*
Oh Diann, my heart literally aches for you - and strange as it sounds, maybe even more for your loved ones and friends who are closest!
Recently health issues have hit home in our family. Colleen knows my story, maybe she has already clued you in to my daughter's battle with osteosarcoma. This isn't the time or place for details for I pray that you are nothing but ENCOURAGED as you read these posts!
But what I learned through the journey is that GOD IS FAITHFUL. Somehow He uses our brokeness to reveal His strength.
I love reading your entries, and I KNOW that HE will be glorified. What's that verse in Phillipians... in all that you do, do if for the glory of God? Something like that... (I stink at keeping my verses memorized).
We considered our journey to be like a mission field. It sounds like you already are working yours at all your hospital appts/tests/etc... you go girl!
You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
God is good, even in the crazy times. He WILL carry you like you've never been carried. I can tell He already is!
(Oh, and I just got a new puppy 2 days ago to try and reduce all of my chocolate cake consumption!) Up a couple of pant sizes is kinda discouraging for me (I'm a big girl already...) But I tell ya, I sure appreciate the simple things now... ESPECIALLY FLUFFY TOWELLS!
Father, I lift Diann up to You for a healing touch. Thank You for her laughter and for her humor, and for chocolate cake. Thank You for fluffy towels and healing medicine and wonderful women who surround us with love and prayers.
Father, Diann is more than a wonderful author. She is a dear friend and sweetheart, and a daughter of the King! Meet her needs, Lord, and surpass her dreams. Fill her mouth with praise and her heart with joy.
Anoint her work as she strives to glorify You in all she does. Hold her close, and give her doctors wisdom. I'd love it if You just healed her and left them scratching their heads, but do as You will.
In Jesus' name, amen.
Love you {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}
Any cake left??
I'm stunned, but I have to remember that God is in control, even when it seems our world has spun out of control. He is with you on this road, he'l never leave you nor forsake you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep us informed.
While I'm sitting here reading these comments, tears are streaming down. I don't post often but read up as much as I can. I feel I know you girls. I feel so comfortable with you all like having friends you never had. Plus I've read many of the books you guys have written.
Diann, you lifted me up this morning. (Ok, between the tears.) Hang in there girl. As you can see, all of us are praying for you.
Please pass the chocolate!
Praying for you, Di, here, too. And I say eat the cake while it tastes good. You can diet another day!
Love, Crystal
What are you saying, Crystal? There may come a day when I won't enjoy chocolate cake? SAY IT ISN'T SO!!!!
Diann, I'm just so surprised at this news, and sorry. Your wonderful sense of humor cracks me up. But know that I'm praying for you,sweetie. God bless
Get well, Diann. The world of writing (and reading) needs you!
Homer Hickam
One of the things they worry about as you go through chemo is losing too much weight. Keep the cake coming! ;)
Di, each time I eat chocolate I'm gonna pray for you! That's a lot of prayers a day! LOL! Seriously, though, I'm gonna consider it my reminder to lift you in prayer!
Wow, Homer Hickam, great to hear from you! We LOVE October Sky!
Swaziland, keep the cake coming? You are my friend for LIFE!
Shauna, I can't think of anything better than knowing you're praying for me each time you reach for chocolate. Thank you!
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