Kristin Billerbeck is a proud Californian, wife, mother of four, and connoisseur of the irrelevant. She writes Christian Chick Lit; where she finds need for most of the useless facts lulling about in her head.

Colleen Coble writes romantic suspense with a strong atmospheric element. A lovable animal of some kind--usually a dog--always populates her novels. She can be bribed with DeBrand mocha truffles.

Denise Hunter writes women's fiction and love stories with a strong emotional element. Her husband says he provides her with all her romantic material, but Denise insists a good imagination helps too.

Diann Hunt writes romantic comedy and humorous women's fiction. She has been happily married forever, loves her family, chocolate, her friends, chocolate, her dog, and well, chocolate.

Cheryl Hodde writes romantic medical suspense under the pen name of Hannah Alexander, using all the input she can get from her husband, Mel, for the medical expertise. For fun she hikes and reads. Out of guilt, she rescues discarded cats. She and Mel are presently taking orders from four pampered strays.
I know exactly how you feel, C. This house is the first home where I've had a dishwasher. I soon fell in love with the machine. Sigh.
Then one weekend we ran out of dishwasher liquid and do you know we actually let those dishes sit in the sink for almost three days until we got to the store to get the liquid. I looked at my husband as we were filling the dishwasher and said, "Do you find it odd that it never occurred to us to wash the dishes by hand for the weekend?" LOL. We're spoiled will be too. You'll never go back. ;)
I have managed to have broken dishwashers THAT NEVER GOT FIXED in all three of the houses we've lived in. Seriously, we BUILT this house 13 years ago and I used the dishwasher maybe TWICE before it broke. So, 30.5 years of marriage with no dishwasher.
Colleen, you may have guessed I have NO advice about soap!!!
Katy McKenna
Oh, Colleen, I feel for you! I lived for 3 1/2 years in a house with a tiny German sink, no dishwasher and a family of 6. It was the major reason we decided to move. I couldn't take it anymore. This was my reaction to finally having a dishwasher:
I had a dishwasher at the house we had built out in the country so I thought sure I'd get one in here VERY soon. Um, I was sure wrong.
But hey, better late than never! Reese, I can so identify with your poem! LOL
My new dishwasher, which I just got in March died over the holiday weekend, and no one works on dishwashers over the holiday weekend, so alas, I was switching into your part and washing by hand all weekend. LOL I don't mind it actually. Oh I'd mind it everyday though, you're a better woman than me.
If you have the water softener you may not need it, but I like that jet dry stuff to keep the spots off the dishes.
I have a dishwasher - a very manly one... my husband!! Aren't I lucky??? (we don't have room for the automatic kind :)
Congrats on the dishwasher!
Did you know that it takes less water to use a dishwasher than to wash the dishes by hand? Well, that's what the Turkish government water conservation / public service ads said this summer. We're in the midst of a terrible drought, and very little water is left in the Istanbul water reservoirs. The government was urging people to use dishwashers!
So, you can revel in having the dishwasher and feel virtuous about saving water, too! Enjoy!
The Cascade gel! Cleans the dishes with no film and there's no dust to deal with. Comes in really big bottles too.
I'd heard that about dishwashers using less energy. Makes me feel very virtuous, Pam. LOL
Cascade gel! I'll try it. Thanks!
Ahh, we have had a dishwasher for EVER but Mom never wanted to use it. Then, all of a sudden, she did. Weird, huh? It was around the time she started dating, but it's no help now that she's married. For some reason, my stepdad cannot figure out that you are supposed to put the dishes IN the dishwasher rather than leave them in the sink covered with food. Huh. And men think they're more advanced.
I have a dishwasher in about half an hour, girls! Whoohoo!
Sam's Club dishwasher soap. LOL Works fine. But - be sure to use Jet Dry no matter what kind of soap you use. Especially if you have hard water. That stuff makes all the difference in the world.
No Jet Dry = spots.
I use the solid one you hang in the top rack. You do't have to guess when it's gone, you can see it. And it lasts longer than the liquid kind.
Okay, my helpful hosuehold hints is over.
Congrats on the dishwasher. :o) Naughty Dave for letting you hang in the 19th century for so long. LOL
We never had one, But my Aunt New house came with a dishwasher and it's a no,no to use.
Even with 8 to 10 people living with her at one time, she would wash by hand all of them,even till this day!
If I ever get one I'll soooo going to use it!
Happy dishwashing!
A dishwasher has been a major time saver in our house with my daycare and teenage boys.
A couple of weeks ago, I ran the dishwasher and when the cycle finished, I opened it to find the dishes dirtier than when I started the cycle. Ummm, gross. Come to find out, the Casade gel I had been using was clogging up the filtering system. Umm, double gross.
I visited several online sites for dishwasher troubleshooting and they all said the same thing--stay away from dishwasher gels because they wreck havoc on your dishwasher parts and plumbing.
I switched to the Electrosal tabs with Jet Dry, detergent, and a degreaser all in one. No more gucky dishes!
I use Cascade gel as well- though I would recommend reading the instruction manual thoroughly and the directions on the dish soap. How much you use will depend on what kind of water you have. For two years I insisted that our dishwasher didn't work until I read the instructions which said I was using too much soap. Ouch.
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Congrats! I went to Costco and found the best detergent I've ever used! It's the Cascade 2in1 ACTION PACS....Powerful cleaning Plus Shine Shield (whatever that means!). It's a 90 pac container so I won't run out and have to rush to the store anytime soon. No messy gels or powders to deal with... just grab a pack and put it in. I love the convenience!
My dishwasher has been broken for over a year now. I totally understand! I can't wait til we get in our new house and I have a big stainless steel washer! Oh, the anticipation =)
::saluting with pruny, dishwater hands::
Colleen, I can so relate. I haven't had a dishwasher for a couple of years now, since the last one broke. I absolutely HATE washing dishes, so my daughter was doing them, and now since she's in college - my husband is doing them. Getting a new one just hasn't been in the budget. I used to swear by the gel soaps, but after hearing what Lisa said, I guess I'd reconsider. My mother in law uses those pacs or tabs or whatever you call them and she loves them. Gets a giant box from Sam's and she's set for a while. Have fun with the new appliance - I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets giddy about these things :-)
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