I watched a movie tonight with a southern setting, timeframe of the ‘60s. The women wore gloves and hats. One character was cleaning house in a nice dress and—are you ready for this—heels.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t even wear shoes most of the time in my house. The only gloves I wear are Latex—when I clean the toilet. The only hats I wear are—well, okay, I don’t wear any.
But here’s a deep dark secret I’ve never shared with anyone before. You won’t repeat it, right?
I love hats. I’m not talking red hats. But an assortment works for me, big, little, fat, fluffy, feathers—well, maybe not feathers. I’m not exactly Carmen Miranda material (I’d rather eat my fruit than wear it), but I could go for a classy hat. It’s a shame no one wears them around here--unless we’re at a baseball game.
Just one time I’d like to go out for high tea and dress up with gloves, hats, the whole bit. I know you find that amazing coming from me. I mean, all I care about is chocolate, right? And well, we all know I can’t eat M&Ms with gloves on. Contrary to popular belief, they DO melt in your hands.
Still, it would be fun to dress up to the nines. Maybe even sport one of those snazzy purses like Kristin buys.
Am I the only one who secretly likes hats?
I love hats on other people but one me? Not so much. I don't have the right kind of head LOL
One of my favorite things about old movies is all of the hats that they wore.
To be glamourous just for one day...that is a dream of mine!
I think It would be wonderful to dress up like that!.
I also like hat's.
When My Mom and I see some of the 80's t.v shows I say "LOOK Mom they have cloths on!" LOL
I'm not a huge fan of hats because they make my head itch, but dressing up for tea would be lots of fun. My mom was talking about how people used to dress to the nines for church. She remembers hats and gloves in church when she was growing up.
I hear ya, Suzanne. I don't necessarily look great in hats, either. I just like them. *g* I just like that whole dressing up thing, complete with hat and gloves, ya know?
That's hilarious, Anna Marie!
Lisa, one thing I've always wondered about with hats in church, how do people behind the hat lady see? *g*
Di, I have got to send you a picture from my daughter's wedding in June! She married a black man, and some of the guests from Marc's side were AMAZING. We call a certain aunt of his "The Red Hat Lady." She was in a red suit with a HUGE matching red hat and HIGH heels. Age? Probably in her eighties. Yeah, it would be hard to see around her in church, but she looked fantastic. Here I was, mother of the bride, with NOTHING on my head. I felt conspicuously lacking!! :)
Katy McKenna www.fallible.com
I secretly love fancy hats, too. Not gloves, though. They don't have dress-up mittens, do they? (Fitted gloves give me claustrophobia.)
I LOVE hats, Di! I didn't realize you did too! I say we get us a hat each this week to wear to conference next week!
I love hats too, though not to wear - I think my head's too small they usually end up covering half my face LOL!!!! I often remember certain scenes from books by clothes the heroine had that I think I would have loved. I even believe it or not bought a green/tealish off the shoulder dress, with a crinolined skirt -not quite hoops - but close, for my senior prom which I still refer to as my Scarlett O'Hara dress. It reminds me of the BBQ scene at the Wilkes' where Mammy is yanking Scarlett's dress up since she insists on wearing something entirely inappropriate by Mammy's standards for daytime. That scene somehow to me is quintessential Scarlett. The rebellious, assertive, strong woman who will get what she wants or at least try till she's exhausted all options. She is no shrinking violet and I admire her for that though I am not anywhere near that outgoing or willing to take risks.
Melissa Meeks
I love hats. I wear hats.
I know you've got a lot going on, but get with a friend and together host your own tea party. Invite friends and ask them to shop the thrift stores for tea dresses and hats, gloves, too if you want. Everyone dresses up with lots of beads and bangles.
Brew a pot of tea. Offer store bought goodies along with and there you go!
I did this once when my daughter was 11 and intived her friends and their moms. We had a great time. But I've done it with only grown-ups, too. I once went to a tea party where we all wore our jeans, but we had on hats and gloves!
Oh my goodness, Kay, that sounds like such fun!
You like hats, too, Colleen? Hats for conference--whoohooo!!
Melissa, your prom dress sounds gorgeous!
No fitted glove, Pam. You probably wouldn't like those socks that fit individual toes, either, huh? Those crack me up. My daughter got me a colorful pair and everytime I wear them, it cracks me up! I know, it doesn't take much to entertain me. *g*
Well, here we are again - separated at birth. I have a bunch of hats. I love them. But I wear mine. To church, weddings, funerals - wherever I feel like it. :o) I even have some vintage ones that I wear. People never know what I'll show up in or when.
If a firned is undergoing chemo, I pull out my hats so they don't feel alone when they wear one to church. :o)
Anyway, at last count, I had 14. Not a lot, but we're talking hats - not shoes. :o)
Hey, Colleen, shall I bring any vintage ones? I have some from the 30s and 40s. Really cool little ones with feathers all over them.
Maybe I'll wear my 50s one Saturday night. :o) Not sure it'll go with my dress, though. I'll check it out, first.
Anyway, I'll ahve one with me in Dallas! And NOT a cowboy one. They dont' count.
Oh my goodness, Ane, you are hilarious! If I go through chemo, will you come to church with me wearing your hat?????? *g*
I love hats. I used to own some but I just don't have that kind of lifestyle. If you decide to have high tea with hats and gloves, I'd come.
Nancy (www.nancysbrandt.com)
Diann, how did you know I hate the way those toe socks feel? Too bad, because I think they're hilarious. I love how the ones look with different brightly-colored toes.
Ane, you have 14 hats? I'm so-oo jealous. I wish I could come to your conference and wear a hat, too. You girls get all the fun. Sigh.
P.S. Ane, how do you store all those hats?
You're certainly not alone, Diann! I love hats and have at least a dozen. Don't get to wear them very often, but when I see one I like I have to get it. Also have a large collection of gloves, including a pair of black leather kid gloves that belonged to one of my great-aunts. I'm convinced I was born to live in the wrong decade. I should've lived in the 40's!
At the banquet Saturday night, I'll be the one in the Empire waisted lavender dress with opera gloves! I'd bring a hat if I had room.
Diann, you BET I'll come an wear a hat! :o) And Pam S., I store them by putting push pins into the wall of my walk-in closet and hand them on the wall. They make a cute design. I'm going to take a photo and semd it to Diann. She can pass it along.
I agree with s's comment. Hats are great, but heads, not so much.
qoI have some hats. Yes, I do. Winter time is a great time to invest in a great hat to wear with your coat, too. I love cowboy hats, but I have a big felt navy hat with a huge flower on it. And I look cute, I think. (ha) I also have a brown bowler type hat with a crocheted black band.
You should try some hats on. I bet you'd look cute with your smiley face and bright eyes.
Oh! and I also like ball caps. I have some cute ones of those, too, and they come in handy when I take my motorcycle helmet off and have helmet hair.
I don't know why hats went out of style. They showed a lot of pizzazz and personality!
Oh, I LOVE your picture, Crystal!!!
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