Our grandson is a year and a half now. We have five granddaughters and one grandson, and I'm telling you, it amazes me how different the boy is from the girls.
First off, he says "ball" two hundred fifty thousand times a day. I don't think the girls have said it yet. The oldest is almost nine.
He rams things. Seems to like the crashing noise. I'm just so thankful we have fourteen years, seven months and two days until he can drive.
He cuddles for all of two seconds. When he's sleep-deprived. And I've got him in a death grip where all he can move are his toes.
His feet hit the ground running. From the moment he gets up, he takes the form of a shrunken tornado, whirring from room to room.
We quickly learned the Barbie car won't cut it for him. We had to get him a motorized Harley to ride around the family room.
And lastly, I never flaunt loose change in front of him. I'm afraid he'll head for Vegas.
Have you noticed the differences in kids?
P.S. Our grandson was angelic the first year of life. Never made a fuss. Ever. Now? Well, let's just say now I wouldn't be at all surprised to find him smoking a cigar in an obscure corner of the house. Sigh.
Oh, no doubt they're different! Don't waste your money buying those cute miniature sized chairs for boys. They never sit down.
Oh my gosh, Xander is sooo precious!! he looks like a Gap baby. MY little girl is very boy-like. After three boys I suppose that was inevitable. The big difference I notice is how much she costs me. Buy the boys a ball, you're good.
That is SO true! He NEVER stays seated. EVER! Where do they get all that energy????
Hilarious, Di, and so true! Have you noticed girls are squealers?
Thanks, Kristin! He's a sweetie, but oh so, um, energetic! LOL! You're right about the cost thing, too. Since I have five granddaughters, I guess I'd better get some more book contracts!
Yes, Colleen, girls are squealers! But I have to say Xander does his share of squealing too, surprisingly enough.
He is so cute! There are no boy grandchildren in our family. All girls. lol
When I have my future children I am scared of having a boy because I know nothing about them. :)
I have a neighbor boy in my condo who was one in May and he is a ball of fire all the time. And he squeals :-). My Bible Study group was over the other night and a loud squeal came through my door to the hall. One of the women said "What was that?" I told her it's just the little boy at the other end of the hall having fun. He's really adorable by the way.
(Ha, Denise Hunter lives in my world.)
All of my boys (4) are/were different, but the same. My oldest sounds like your grandson! His first word besides mama and dada was ball. I used to joke that he could talk before he could walk (10 mos. he was talking) and never has shut up.
Anyway, he is still endless creative energy-sort of glows like nuclear energy. Noise was Jordan's middle name, I think.(Still is! Plays drums, among other instruments.)
Now the second son is laid back and easy-going, but don't get him riled (takes a lot, actually) and is so stubborn you could not move him.
I love your stories of the grandkids!
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