Rearranging Life...
Have you ever noticed that sometimes your life needs an overhaul, and if you don't take care of it, God will do something to force the changes you're leery to make?
Case in point, my move. If you're not familiar with my sad tale of woe, and sheesh, I've complained about it enough, isn't everyone? But I lived in my favorite house ever for two years. This was not the house of "our dreams" that we built, but an old rancher in need of loving care in Saratoga, CA. The only friend who saw the potential in the house at the time was my friend from childhood, Beth.
I loved that house.
But houses are things, and God doesn't want us to fall in love with things, so though I fought an scrambled to make things work there -- and still in the back of my head -- believe we should have gone on faith to stay there, it was not to be. We moved four kids and a dog (and us) into a townhouse that I hated. I mean, I hated it when I had nothing more than debt and my husband owned it as a rental property. (We weren't married yet!)
But sometimes, God says tough. I got rid of my giant table, put in a high, small bar table that fits six. I moved my desk into the corner of the room, so it isn't the first thing you see and I had my husband put in those plastic Lego hardwood floors. It's not perfect, but I love having the community pool and a Cul-de-sac for my daughter to play in with her school friends. I love that my daughter is talking with an Indian accent so she can fit in. LOL I love that all the kids are within walking distance to the school and the mall because son can catch a flick with his friends on the way home from school and I don't have to get him there. I love that my tax base is 1/6th of what it was and that I can afford to shop.
There are a lot of reasons God forces us to change. I know, it's always to my benefit, but that doesn't mean I am not going to moan while walking through the desert, you know? Is there a way you're fighting God right now? Could you make it a lot easier on yourself to go with the current?
Di was tired yesterday so she didn't post, but she's doing well and she's half-way done with chemo. Keep praying!
Good post! :)
I admire your courage!!! I recall when I first found this blog that you were going to move. Since then I have thought, wow, she has adjusted so well!!! I moved from town of 70 the country! It has been an adjustment, but God has truly helped me!!!
Our huge change came when we moved back to GA. The hubs was so stressed out with high corporate jobs, his health was suffering. We decided if I could get a job that would keep the roof over our head and food on the table, then he would retire early. I found that job, we downsized, and I have to say, we've never looked back.
While we don't buy brand new cars but late-model pre-owned, we're happy, healthy, and living well and close to debt-free. You can't beat that.
Kristin, I can't count the number of times I've thought, "That's exactly me," when you write, and this is one of those times. (I especially understand the table for six...)
I'm glad you're so transparent about your life because it certainly helps me to deal with my own.
We keep praying for Di.
God forced me into a change I grieved over but that change led to me having time to write. Not a bad exchange.
Thanks for sharing your real self, it is an encouragement to all.
Wow Jackie, how are you holding up after that move? I think about some of the older people who live around me. One of my neighbors used to be a water buffalo herder. Can you imagine starting a life over in a totally new country where water buffalo are not even a life option? I think of that when I get whiny.
And Ane, I've been there with the job changes, that is not a fun lifestyle. Diane, I'm sorry you were forced to change. That is never easy. I pray you can look back and see the benefits now!
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