Everyone else is blogging about lighthearted things, but today is a very sad day for me and my daughter. Many of you know Samson in the Rock Harbor books. My "grandpup" Harley was the inspiration for the character of Samson. All the lovable traits you adored in Samson are Harley's traits. Har-boy has cancer, and his back legs are paralyzed. We realized today that the time had come for us to say goodbye for now to our boy.
Animals touch us in so many ways, and there is nothing like the connection between a dog and his special person. In Harley's life, that special person was my daughter, Kara. He loved me by extension. His fur received any tears she cried, his joyous bark was the first thing to welcome her home. He loved her unconditionally. I think the love of an animal can show us a bit of God's heart, His acceptance, grace, and love. Harley was a little bit of God with skin on in our lives.
Har-dog was a special dog. He came to Kara in a way that had to be God-ordained. Some sub-human type had abandoned him and his siblings to die in a box by the river on the hottest day of the year in 1994. When Harley was found, all his siblings were dead,and he was barely clinging to life. The man who found him gave him to Kara. It was love at first sight. I went over to her house all prepared to talk her into taking the puppy to the pound: she lived in a small apartment, and she had no room for a dog. But one look at the little furball, and I was a goner too. He brought us all joy and love and changed our lives.
There was no one more loyal than Har-dog. He always had a smile on his doggy face. He loved to play with "burger" (a rubber toy that looked like a hamburger). Taking out a frisbee was cause for celebration. Kara's little white cat, Tigris, loved him too. She would lay by the hour on him and snuggle her face in his fur. He loved people food and would sit there with a pleading expression on his face until you couldn't stand it anymore. Kara took immense care of him. Only food with human grade ingredients, the best vets, special health supplements, the best of everything was offered to him. And in return he gave his whole heart in a way only a special dog can. We only wish God had allowed our friend to stay a little longer.
I'm planning on my brother Randy taking good care of Harley. I'd send his burger with him if I could. Rest well, Har-dog. Go in the peace and love you brought all of us.
Sweet lady, know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and Kara as you mourn the loss of such a special person (yes, animals ARE people) in your lives. It's always hard to say goodbye on this earth....for those of you who would like to know what this precious dog looks like, visit Colleen's website and his picture is on her photo album page. May Harley run, pain-free, over the glorious fields of heaven!
Hi Colleen,
Broke my heart when Robin told me. And then to read your blog brought tears. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
Oh, Colleen, I'm SO sorry for you and Kara...your whole family. What a lovely tribute to Harley's life. Brought tears to my eyes and an even deeper appreciation of the four-legged friends God has graced this earth with.
Hi Colleen,
I'm so sorry to hear this. What a sweet, wonderful dog. I'm praying and crying, but glad that Harley is no longer suffering. I'm glad you got a chance to tell him goodbye.
Oh, I'm so sorry. How heartbreaking. I know God has a special place for animals we love. Hugs to you and your family.
Checked out your site by chance, and very glad I did! My thoughts are with you both. Hard as it might be to put the raw stuff out there, it allows those of us who love animals to show you the compassion and love which can be helpful in the days to come. Feel free to check out www.geraniumfarm.org and see meditations about people and nature. My item there is More or Less Church w/DeaconJ and have posted prayers, stories, etc about our beloved pets. Be tender w/yourself over the next coming days. Many folks will support you with their prayers. Peace and blessing, Deacon J
Hi Colleen,
I'm so sorry to hear about Harley. Know you and Kara are in my thoughts. I just know your beloved pet is in heaven right now and having a great time with your brother. Hugs my friend.
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