First off, I have to share the news that we have another grandchild!! Whoohooo!!! Our youngest granddaughter arrived on Thursday. We now have five granddaughters and one grandson. Pray for the grandson. He’ll need it! *g*
Okay, now I have to tell you something and you just won’t believe this. Colleen met up with me on Friday so we could go shopping for the conference and specifically the Awards Banquet. We tried on different glittery type tops and by the time we finished our shopping, we were covered with glitter. There was just no way to get around that. Those little sparklies stuck to me like flies on butter.
We brushed them off as best we could, headed for lunch and then over to my first appointment with the oncologist. All right, so while he was examining me he said matter-of-factly, “You have glitter on you.” With his quick observation, I felt confident that I’d picked a good doctor.
I told him about our little shopping escapade. He told us that the building was having an open house, complete with news reporters, and he hoped he didn’t get any sparkles on him because his colleagues would think he was trying to steal the limelight. *g*
We laughed and he finished his examination. Then I sat in my little chair while he sat in his and gave me his advice about my condition. I tried to listen. I really did. Thankfully, Colleen was there to take notes for me, because it was like this. The man had a sparkly smack dab between his eyebrows. For the life of me I could NOT look away from it. I tried to focus on what he was saying, I really did. I noticed his lips were moving, but that doggone glitter kept pulling me back. Laughter mounted in my stomach, and I knew if I didn’t get out of there fast, I was gonna blow.
Fortunately for me, he didn’t talk much longer, and I was able to save the explosion for after he left, but I still laugh when I think about it. Colleen said it could only happen to me.
Say it isn’t so. Crazy things happen to you, too, right?
Crazy things happen to me. All. The. Time.
But you already know that, don't you? LOL
I'm so thankful that God blessed me with the sense of humor that I have-it makes day to day living a little easier.
Speaking of little sparkles, where is our precious girl? We still haven't seen pictures. Ahem!
Laughter is the best medicine! Thank you God for sending so much your way (and ours), lol :)
I just finished reading Be Sweet and I gotta wonder if some of the crazy stuff that happened to the characters have happened to YOU. Like, do you climb trees? And ride motorcycles?
There's NOTHING funnier than a guy in glitter. :)
Di, your posts never fail to make me laugh! Congratulations on your new granddaughter! Hope you found dazzling threads for the banquet. I'm going to miss not seeing you this year!
There are some things that just will not go away. I had some glittery type stuff that followed me home from church one time after someone left it on a pew. I thought I had gotten rid of it and then a couple of years later I found it in the floor. I still find glass from a door that broke ten years ago and I still have plastic confetti that shows up from some decorations at church several years ago. The next time you see your doctor you may find that the little sparkly thing is still there.
You. Are. A. Scream, Diann! Your post made me laugh. Your sense of humor will get you through your treatments, for the Bible says a merry heart does good like a medicine. You remind me of Laura Jensen Walker's take on life...and trials. Before writing her novels, she wrote Thanks for the Mammogram...Fighting Cancer with Faith, Hope, and A Healthy Dose of Laughter.
Praying for you, Diann. And laughing with you. You are a delight.
Crazy, crazy things happen to me ALL the time. Have you walked the whole length of a walking street with your slip around your ankles? I have! Have you met with the middle management of a pharmeceutical company with a pair of pantyhose hanging around your neck (because you didn't see it fall off the clothesline when you ducked under the line on the way to the appointment)? Well, I have. And more. Last week I tripped over a coffee table and fell flat on my face in front of a new family and several teachers. I never saw that the coffee table was in the way.
It's the reason I find such delight--and normality--in your books' characters: they get into as many scrapes as I do.
P.S. You have more self-control that I would have had: I would have laughed when I saw the sparkle on the doctor.
You guys are so encouraging! It's great to know I'm not alone in seeing the world just a little differently than some people. *g*
YOU ALL are great medicine! Thanks for the support!!
Oh, Diann. I'm smiling so big as I read this -- and I really needed it today. Pre-conference stress is in full swing. Cannot wait to give you a big hug in Dallas. Miss you!
**wild applause for the new addition**
Diann, I'm praying for you. I love your sense of humor, your gift of writing, and your genuine blogging. May God's richest blessings shower down on you today until you drip with His love!
And yes, I'm always having something wacky or weird happen to me...I'm just not willin' to share:-)
Too funny! I'll have to tell you abotu the time we sat in the House of Lords dining room in London adn our host Lord had avocado on his lapel. I got in big time trouble for snorking! That's when you try to swallow the laughter, but it snorks out your nose.
I'm glad Colleen was there, Di. :o)
Well, Diann, I have noticed that you have always left sparkles on everyone you meet.
Wow, imagine the sparkle fest on Saturday night! I'm glad we didn't do that in Houston the year I was rather close to you at conference...people would talk.
If that Doc has a wife, he may have a little 'splaining to do!
Love you and praying for all this mess.
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