We have an unwanted house guest. We have tried to get rid of her twice, but so far, no luck. Sometimes when I open the door, here she comes, crawling toward me with her thick, black legs. Other times, she hides under things.
No, this is not a person, and okay, it's not exactly our house. It's our mailbox. And the unwanted guest is--close your eyes tight--a hairy, black spider.
I found her a week ago. Okay, she found me. I was reaching in, all innocent-like, to get my mail, and the disgusting thing came out of nowhere. I was able to reach aound it to retrieve the letters.
The next day, I have Kevin pull the car up to the box. When I opened it, there it was. "Get it, get it!" I scream.
Kevin leans across the passenger seat and whacks at the mailbox door with newspaper.
"Did you get it?" I ask.
"I got it."
"Are you sure? Did you see a body?"
He claims he did.
All I know is, when I go to the mail box the next day? Hairy black spider. I should just reach in and squash it with something. I know I should. But . . . ick. I sneak the letters out and close the door.
The next day . . . I head to the mailbox with a can of Raid. Okay, you nasty thing, you've had it now. I open the door and spray. Heavily. There is an LA size smog around our yard. I close the door and spray the outside for good measure. I leave feeling like warrior woman. I have come. I have conquered.
The next day . . . my mail smells like Raid. Oh well. I shake each piece as I remove it. Just in case. My kids laugh at me from behind the window.
Today, I reach for the mail. I have all but forgotten the spider. But it hasn't forgotten me. If it isn't her, it's her twin. She comes crawling toward me on thick, black legs, the spider that won't die. Maybe I should just put out a "vacancy" sign out and invite all her relatives. Or maybe I'll just send Kevin out there with a shoe.
Hopefully, with the colder weather coming, she'll decide to hibernate elsewhere!
My 11 year old son absolutely hates spiders. He must have 50 blankets scrunched up on his bed between him and the wall. I don't believe he ever thought that a spider just might climb right over fort knox to get to him.
By the way, did all the spraying get rid of her? You probably gassed your mailman too!
Oh gross! I hate spiders with a passion! You're a brave woman. I'd be sending Dave to get the mail until I was sure it was dead. LOL
After so much spraying, I can usually count on the critter to DROWN!! :) Seriously, I always ask Doug, "Did you get it?" and he always says, "Yes." And even though he's not a liar, I don't believe him.
Two weeks ago, though, he killed a six-foot long snake outside our garage, just so the thing wouldn't scare the bejeebers out of me when I pulled up in the car. Hurt his back hacking it to death, too. Then bagged it up in a trash bag. My hero!!
Gosh, when we moved into this house, we had these HUGE brown spiders that jump! That is just beyond creepy to have jumping spiders. Now we've sprayed and they're gone. But i did have a little snake in my bathroom the other night.
Luckily it wasn't a rattle snake because it bit my husband when he tried to take it out. Bear Grylls he's not, but wow, that was freakish. This was a FAST snake too. Ack!
Maybe you could put one of them sticky pad's to trap insect's or mice on, in the mailbox, after you get the mail on Saturday, than on Sunday send dh to go see if spider has been trapped on the glu pad and if so spray it .Just A thought...
I think I see a horror spoof in the making Denise. "Denise Verses the Black Ugly Spider." :)
I don't mind spiders myself. Now snakes..... shiver!
Keep the can of Raid close by!
I HATE spiders. Ick. I'm not sure, though, of mu husband hates them worse. It's a riot when we find one.
"Kill it!" I scream.
"You kill it," he says.
We go round and ruond till the spider commits suicide. I hate them. If only we oculd teach Shadrach to eat them, then he'd be worth something.
I have a little something for all four of you wonderful ladies at my blog...and a huge thank you for your influence in my life as a woman of God:
We have icky hairy spiders lounging by our front door, which scares the daycare kids on their way into my house. Normally I'm not freaked out by bugs or spiders, but these are soo...big and black. Ugh.
Aw, Deena that's so cool! Thanks!
Kristin, how did a snake get in your bathroom? This I gotta hear.
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