I love babies. I always have. I had an ovary rupture when I was 14 and the other ovary only haltingly gave me two children before giving up the ghost and having to be removed when I was 23. When my kids grew up, I looked forward to the thought of having grandchildren but it was beginning to look like I was only going to be grandma to cats and dogs. And that was okay, but oh, I wanted a grandchild!
Yesterday was Dave's birthday. Davy and Donna wanted to take us out to eat. We get there, and she's rushing us out the door because she's starving. We settle in at the table in the restaurant and she's getting ready to give Dave his present. My cell phone rings and I dig it out.
"Don't answer it!" she says with a panicked expression on her face. (I find out later she's afraid it's my mother who might spill the beans.)
"It's Diann, it might be important," I say. It is. She and I don't have to go to the oncologist today. I hang up and sit back down at the table.
"Here's your present, Pop," Donna says, sliding him a card with a Lowe's gift card. He's thrilled. He got one from our Baby Girl too and he is in hog heaven right now.
"And here's another one from the boys," she says, sliding over a gift bag.
Dave opens it and pulls out two baby bibs. Blue. One says something about Grandma and the other one says something about Grandpa. I look at the bibs. I look up at the kids. They are beaming from ear to ear. I look back at the bibs. I'm sure my mouth is dangling open like a fish. I'm speechless for a second and that's a rariety.
"You--you're pregnant?" I whisper. I"m afraid if I say it too loudly I'll wake up from this perfect dream.
The kids nod. I scream. "You're pregnant!!!" The other patrons in the restaurant turn to look. They're all smiing. I jump up still screaming and run around to hug the kids. I'm crying and continue to cry for some time. LOL
This is a dream come true. I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!!!!
Oh my goodness, made me cry just reading about it!!! I'm SOOOOO HAPPY for you, Colleen!!!! I LOVE being a grandma!!! Now we can share 50 pound photo albums, bore everyone around us with our grandkid stories and have the time of our lives!!!
That's awesome Colleen! Congrats!
Made me cry too! Especially after yesterdays post!
And after that last post, too! They got you GOOD!!! Congrats, Colleen!
The kids thought sure I was suspicious after they read yesterday's post. LOL and I had NO clue!
Congratulations, Colleen! You'll be a wonderful grandma.
Thanks friends!
Congratulations, Colleen. I'm turning cartwheels for you, cuz I know how wonderful grandkids are. Yippee for you and Dave.
That's why I heard a scream!
I'm crying reading it. I keep thinking of awards night when you got the call your daughter is engaged and now you have a grandbaby coming wow. A wedding and a baby all in the same few weeks. Um, not involving the same couples I should clarify :-)
Hugs to all!
Congratulations! Babies are so wonderful, and they smell so yummy (usually) and love to cuddle and snuggle, spit and burp, I mean cuddle and snuggle. Have fun with your grandbaby! Due date?
I was sure crying last night, Pam! It's been hard to concentrate enough to write today. LOL In fact, I didn't.
And Kayla, that scream should have been audible in California. LOL
Georgiana, I love to smell a baby's head! My very favorite thing!
So that must have been what I heard here in Oregon! (wink) CONGRATULATIONS! God does give us the desires of our hearts, and I'm sure He's smiling on you right now. What a wonderful grandma you will be! Have you thought of what you will be called? (Grandma, Nana, Yaya, GG, etc...?)
I need to figure that out, Celeste! I'm still floating! we're going to Babies R Us tomorrow. LOL
OOHH!!! I got goosebumps reading that!!! That is so cool. One more to spoil and love!! wheeeeeeeee :)
My dad's favorite saying is, "You own your kids, but your grandkids own you."
Prepare to be fully wrapped around a little pinky finger. ;-)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! What an incredible Grandma you'll be...so cool, so way cool, God!!
I'm so happy for you!
Your going to be a wonderful grandma!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Fur babies are wonderful but can't hold a candle to a real grandchild. Enjoy every moment.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! =)
Thanks for all the congrats, you guys! I'm still just floating on air! I went to church today and was running up and down the halls shouting out the news! LOL
Awesome, Colleen. I have 4 grandchildren that I adore. There's nothing like being a grandparent! It's so much fun!!
Congrats, Colleen!!! How fantastic!
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